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Fairtrade in Bergen?

FairtradeBT wrote about our (SAIH’s) little Max Havelaar store-campaign yesterday: Meny kåret som bergensmester i rettferdig handel. Max Havelaar is part of the international Fairtrade-system. Not surprisingly, the stores with the largest selections of products, also were best at including Max Havelaar – with Meny at the top of the list. Most of the lowprice-stores had one or two Max Havelaar-products, and coffee were the most common product to find. As the coffee-prices fluctute very much, it’s good to see the increasing avaibility of fairtraded coffee – where the farmers get a fixed price. Juice, tea and bananas were also found at many stores. Hopefully we’ll see more of the less common products, rice and chocolate, coming soon. A bit surprising was the fact that many of the employers in the stores hadn’t even heard of the Max Havelaar-system.

For specially interested, I’ve uploded the results here

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